Turkish Hawker Hurricanes (Hurricanes over Anatolia) Hurricanes have started being used in the Turkish Air Force starting from 1939. During this period, a total of 164 of these aircrafts including the Mk.I, Mk.IIb and Mk.IIc/R models were put in service.T #THD48006

Turkish Hawker Hurricanes (Hurricanes over Anatolia) Hurricanes have started being used in the Turkish Air Force starting from 1939. During this period, a total of 164 of these aircrafts including the Mk.I, Mk.IIb and Mk.IIc/R models were put in service.T

Today's Price: $25.11

SKU: THD48006
Scale: 1/48
Weight: 0.11 lbs.

Status: Special Order in Europe, Ships in less than 2 weeks



Aircraft decals (military)

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